Baseball Stadium — map and notes about customer selection
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Any customer here that is not light-green or dark-green will send you backwards.
You want to choose Customer 4 (the old lady next to the phone booth inside the drop-off zone) when it's light-green to go to the Police Station.
Dark-green Customers 1, 2, 3, and light-green 7 and 8 all appear sporadically and always send you to the Downtown area.
Light-green Customers 9 and 10 also send you Downtown, but these two are always present (use them as backups).
backwards customers
Customers 5 and 6 will always send you backwards.
You want to choose them when they are red to go back to the RB Station.
If 4, 5, or 6 are yellow, they want to go back to the Heliport.
Heliport trips are usually very difficult because you have to drive all the way into the R.B Station area and u-turn to get up the large slope.
For some reason, traffic always seems a lot heavier going up the slope as well; so avoid Heliport trips from here if at all possible.
Additional Notes...
You want to take Customers 5 and 6 when they're red back to the R.B. Station as early in the game as possible to ensure dark-green customer trips from the R.B. Station to the Downtown area.
If you wait until later in the game to get them, odds are you won't find any dark-green forward customers available there.
If this happens, all of your options are bad ones: take an orange or yellow customer backwards even further, take another red customer right back to the Baseball Stadium (wasting it), or drive forward (or even backwards) passengerless looking for somebody else.
You're better off taking 5 and 6 backwards when customers are still plentiful at that location.
When 5 and 6 are not available, stop next to 4 when it's light-green (to ensure that you don't accidentally take it when it's yellow later on).
(advanced and expert players only)
After dropping off a customer at the Baseball Stadium I recommend picking up Customers 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 first.
If none of them are available and I have more than 100 seconds on the game clock, I'll drive forward passengerless to the Downtown area; if I have less time than that (and 1, 2, and 3 were not available) I'll pick up 9 or 10.
This way, when I'm forced to drive here passengerless from the R.B. Station I'm likely to run into 1, 2, or 3 (which are closer than the others).
If none of them appear, I'll still (hopefully) have 9 or 10 available as backups.
When you're playing the game at a level where passengerless highway trips are inevitable anyway, the idea is to minimize both passengerless forward driving time and overall backwards driving time.
(Obviously, you need to consistently build up extra time with Speedy drop-offs in order to do this.)
The Highway
Between the Baseball Stadium and the Police Station is the highway.
It is a very long stretch of road with a giant loop just before it ends.
Although not a destination, it's an area that does warrant a few notes:
Knowing how to Limiter Cut here is extremely important.
Proficient Limiter Cutting helps you gain extra game time even on top of Speedy +5 second bonuses.
Poor (or not) Limiter Cutting pretty much guarantees you won't get a Speedy rating and will lose precious seconds each time you cross the highway.
When you first enter the highway, stay on the left side of the road and start Limiter Cutting like crazy.
After the road straightens out, steer your cab onto the darkened strip between the two oncoming lanes of traffic to double the number of tips you collect.
Continue until you see the road beginning to curve to the left; when you do, hold off on the Limiter Cuts.
You'll now want your cab to be on the right-hand edge of the highway; look ahead to the right for an area free of traffic so that when you cross lanes you won't reset the Tip Multiplier.
Brake before you cross lanes so your cab doesn't get wall-stuck.
If it does, avoid Limiter Cutting past any traffic or you may fall victim to the teleport bug.
When your cab is against the right-hand edge of the highway, resume Limiter Cutting but slow down if it looks like your cab may wall-stick.
During this "loop" portion of the highway, it's very likely that your cab may bump another vehicle and lose its Tip Multiplier value, but hopefully this won't happen.
Entering a tunnel signals that the highway is about to end.
(Note that the The Police Station is on the immediate right when you exit the tunnel, so hit the Brake about halfway through if that's your destination.)
(advanced and expert players only)
When you've reached the point where you can comfortably make Speedy trips via highway, you can opt to earn some extra tip money along the way.
There are three good spots I've found for doing this.
The first place is on the stretch of road just before the highway begins.
If no traffic is in the way, do a Granny's Crazy Drift as you turn your cab to the right to enter the freeway.
A slight countersteer as you hit the wall will help you achieve wall-stick.
Keep the Gas Pedal floored and you'll earn lots of tip money as your cab makes its way up the slope passing vehicles as it goes.
Another place you can earn extra tip money is if your destination is the Police Station.
Execute a Braking Crazy Drift as you point your cab to the left and skid into the far wall of the Police Station.
Be sure the gearshift is in Reverse when you do, though, or you may slide out of the drop-off zone.
The last good spot for a Granny's Crazy Drift is the wall on the far side of the intersection just past the Police Station.
When your destination is either Sky Bank or the Hospital, skid into this wall while pointing your cab towards your destination.
Usually you won't have extra time for these Crazy Drifts if your destination is the Clock Towers Theater or Boarders Paradise, so just concentrate on earning a Speedy rating if you're going either of those two.