Fire Station — map and notes about customer selection


     |       |
     |       |
     |       '-----.
     |       .     |
     |       .     | fire
     | 5     .  1  | station
     |       .     |
     |       .     |
     |       .     |
     |       .     |
     |       .     |
     |       .   2 |
     | 6     .4    |
     |       .   3 |
     |       .    /
     |       .   /
    /        .  /
   /         . /
--'          ./

Customer Notes

Like the customers at Lookout Tower, you have to choose most of these in a certain order for the best chances they'll go forward. Choose them correctly, and odds are very good that every one here will send you to either the Tennis Court or the University.

Select them incorrectly, and you can get sent back to Lookout Tower (red), the Bus Terminal (orange), or the Commercial District (light-green).

Here's how to empty out this destination:

  • STAGE 1 – Choose both of the following customers first:
    • 1 is absent, 5 is light-green, 4 is orange --> choose 4 to Tennis Court
    • 1 and 5 are both light-green, 6 is orange --> choose 6 to Tennis Court
  • STAGE 2 – After you've chosen 4 and 6:
    • 1 is absent, 5 is light-green --> choose 5 to the University
  • STAGE 3 – After 5 has been chosen:
    • 1 is light-green --> choose 1 to the University
  • MISCELLANEOUS – Of remaining customers 2 and 3:
    • 2 is light-green or 3 is light-green --> choose either of these any time they're light-green to the University

Additional Notes...

  • Be very careful not to accidentally pick up Customer 1 prematurely when delivering a passenger to the Fire Station's drop-off zone or you'll have to guess when picking up Customers 4, 5, and/or 6 if any of them still remain.
  • When cars aren't parked in your path, it's possible to Crazy Drift from the bottom of the map all the way up to the far wall of the Fire Station drop-off zone. This is a good way to earn extra tip money, as your cab will frequently wall-stick there as well. Best of all, when the cab drops from the wall it won't fall within Customer 1's pick-up circle, making it both a lucrative and safe way to drop off passengers.