Cable Car Top — map and notes about customer selection
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All of the customers here will send you forward.
When customers at the University aren't colors you're hoping for, drive here and pick up Customer 1, 2, or 3.
They all have the same pattern: yellow goes to Sea Side Market, light-green goes to West Side Beach, and dark-green goes to Yacht Harbor.
I usually grab all three when they're light-green for trips to West Side Beach.
Customers 4 and 6 are almost always light-green for a trip to Yacht Harbor.
Customers 5 and 7 alternate colors between yellow (to the Sea Side Market/West Side Beach area) and light-green (to Yacht Harbor).
Personally, I don't worry about their color when I pick them up.
The remaining four customers (8, 9, 10, and 11) alternate colors between yellow (to the Sea Side Market/West Side Beach area) or orange (to Cable Car Bottom).
Unless the Cable Car Bottom area has been emptied out already, choose an orange customer.
Additional Notes...
If you want to grab Customers 1, 2, and 3 when they are all the same color (I suggest light-green), it's worth noting that they have a "signal customer" at the University location.
On most machines, the color of University Customer 8 will indicate what "color rotation phase" these three Cable Car Top customers will be in.
So keep an eye on University Customer 8.
The first time you notice it's yellow, light-green, or dark-green, drive ahead and you'll be able to pick up all three of these customers when they're the same color.
Be sure to Crazy Drift your cab so it's pointed towards the exit when you pick up 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Take care when driving through here to another destination at high speeds.
It's easy to get caught up in the trees on the left just after you pass Customers 1, 2, and 3.
Of course, the flagpoles and cable car in the middle of the drop-off area a little further don't help matters either.