Cable Car Slopes — map and notes about customer selection


        |        cable car
        |         bottom
    RMP         13        \
                        15 --------.
              12                  16\
-.      .-------.                    \
 |      |       |    14 -------.      |
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 |      |       |   10 |       | 11   |
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 |      |       |    7 |       |      |
 | 6    |       |      |       |    8 |
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 | 3    |       |      |       |    5 |
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 |     1                        2     |
 '--------------.      .--------------'
  freshtree     |      |         sail 
      st        |      |          st

Customer Notes

All of the customers here will send you forward. Furthermore, with the exception of Customers 12, 13, 14, and 15 near the Cable Car Bottom destination, the others are always present, always the same colors, and always want to go to the same destinations.

  • Red Customer 1 always goes to Sail Street and red Customer 2 always goes to Freshtree Street. The first time you drop off customers at these locations, execute a Crazy Drift and u-turn your cab so you're facing them. That way you can quickly pick them up and drive to the other side of the street for an easy +5 second time bonus.
  • Customers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 16 are always the same color (be it light-green or dark-green) and are always available for pick-up. The vast majority want to go to locations in either the Square Park area or the Tower Records/KFC area. (Customer 7 is the black sheep, wanting to go to the Levi's Store.)
  • Freshtree Street Drop-offs
    Drive downhill to get either 3 or 6, or grab Customer 1 if you haven't already.
  • Sail Street Drop-offs
    If you've already picked up Customer 2, drive downhill to get either 5 or 8.
  • Cable Car Bottom Drop-offs
    Only pick up Customers 14 and 15 when they are light-green to go to destinations in the Square Park area. If neither is light-green, you can pick up 16 in the upper-right corner, or drive around that corner to get 11. Another alternative is to head back up the slope you came down to get 10. (Don't bother with the yellow or orange 12 or 13 unless you've grabbed all these green customers first.)
  • It's better to grab Customers 4 and 7 after a Cable Car Top drop-off.
  • You can drive up the slope after a Sea Side Market drop-off to get Customer 9.

Additional Notes...

  • When Limiter Cutting, it's very easy to go down the slopes too quickly and wind up overshooting a customer you intended to pick up. Temporarily stepping on the Brake and/or changing gears to Reverse just before reaching the end of the horizontal parts of the slopes (where the cross streets intersect) is a good way to slow your cab down enough so this won't happen.
  • When dropping off customers at the Cable Car Bottom drop-off zone, Crazy Drift into the wall pointing the cab to the right. You'll often get wall-stuck while doing this. In the meantime, you'll have a good view of Customer 15, and after the passenger disembarks it's easy to steer to the right and get a glimpse of 14 (in case you missed it). BTW, if you're wall-stuck with your cab pointed to the left, it may continue in that direction and exit the drop-off zone. However, if Cable Car Bottom isn't your passenger's destination, this may be just what you want to happen.
  • Once you're really good at Limiter Cuts, you'll spend more time in the air than on the pavement when traveling down these slopes. Try to stay out of the lanes of oncoming traffic, and more importantly avoid getting wall-stuck to buildings on your right (your cab is a little more susceptible to this when airborne). This can divert your cab onto a cross street and you'll suddenly find yourself driving away from your destination.